Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Front Range Community College, Larimer Campus, Grays Peak Building
Thank you for joining us in person for our Quarterly All Partner Meeting. The meeting had great speakers/content and created connections amongst regional partners.
In lieu of committee updates at the meeting the following updates are available:
Agenda (with links and resources):
K-12 Work-Based Learning Business Liaison Introduction and Summary of Role
Stefanie Merrell –
Presented on her role as a Business Liaison and Xello (pronounced Zel-lo), the resource that Poudre, Thompson, and Estes Park School Districts and Colorado Early Colleges use for college and career readiness.
Recruiting in Northern Colorado using digital resources
Presenters Allie Steiner with North Range Behavioral Health and Crystal Smith with UNC Center for Career Readiness discussed resources
Industry Identified Credentials for state incentive program
Colorado Succeeds – CNA/MA Pipeline
Presenter Ben Gerig shared information on Regional Talent Development Initiative Grant Program, $90 million of funds planned to be released in December 2022.
Resources shared:
OEDIT Updates:
1330 Task Force: Read RECOMMENDATION 1
RISE Grant Evaluation Criteria:
Do you have ideas and feedback for how our region could apply for talent development grant funds? Please share in this document.
PSD School-based Health Center and Mental Health Update
Presenter Merry Hummell shared a handout describing school based health centers
Problem Based Learning
Bamford Elementary Principal Alissa Poduska presented on educators learning how to infuse the concepts of problem solving as learning and professional development opportunities. Project Heart is an educational resource for teachers to customize their pedagogical instruction, educational standards, and classroom activities around philanthropy and service learning.
Alissa is looking for businesses to partner, learn more, attend their breakfast in September and stay connecting – fill out this form if you’d like to connect
Questions can be directed to nocohealthsector @