The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. A recording will be available after the meeting on the Northern Colorado Health Sector Partnership YouTube Page.
This meeting will host two important presentations:
Legislative Session Round Up Panel- Hear from panelists on where bills are expected to end up before session closing and how they affect Colorado’s healthcare industry.
Featuring panelists:
Chris Brown, Vice President of Policy & Research – Common Sense Institute (CSI)
Alyson Williams, Legislative Advocate – Health District of Northern Larimer County
Joshua Ewing, Vice President of Legislative Affairs – Colorado Hospital Association.
NoCo Inspire Regional Work-based Learning Resource for Employers – This regional web platform for Larimer and Weld Counties focuses on connecting the business community with partners and resources for work-based learning opportunities.
Presented by Sandra Jackam, Work-based Learning Navigator with Larimer County Economic and Workforce Development.
Presentation Slides: